Sunday, July 31, 2011

NJ State Triathlon 2011

The 2011 NJ State Olympic Distance Triathlon is now in the books!  Whew, and it was a HOT one.  We were thankful that it didn't take place two days before bc it was 105 that day, but definately warmer than we were accustomed to.  The race took place at the Mercer Counter Park, the temps were about 80 degrees and 75% humidity at race start.  We got into the water, and it was 88 degrees - NOT refreshing at all.  We completed a one mile swim, then 25 mile bike ride, then finished up with a 6.2 mile run.  The temps had reached the low 90's by the time the races had finished and the sun was blazing.  Luckily the race officialls had fire hoses, ice stations, and ALOT of water on the course to prevent heat exhaustion.  In the end, we did well.  And after checking the finish times at home, I am proud to say I came in 7th in my age group and bettered my time by over 8 minutes from last year - so that made me happy!! Now to prepare for the rest of our season!!!

post race