Friday, July 8, 2011

Happy 4th of July

We hope you enjoyed a fantastic long holiday weekend!

it's sparkler time

We started our weekend out by having the Zweitzig clan over for dinner and fun.  We had 6 (yes, count them) little girls 6 years and under.  Angela, Sarah, Leah, Elyse, Rebecca, and baby Hannah had a great time.  It was nice to catch up with Carrie and Dan while the kids played.  They loved when I brought out the sparklers... what a great time with friends!!

Then on sunday, we headed to Perkasie to visit our friends the Dietls.  The girls played with Jacob and got to experience what an "all boy" house would be like - lots of cars and trucks, very light on the pink and purple stuff!!  But we had another great dinner, then the kiddos played in the pool and ran around till they were all tired...

Then we could officialy say "happy 4th of July".  Sort of last minute we decided to head to the Lower Southampton Parade.  Sadly we have lived in this area for 9 years and have NEVER been to a local parade, so we figured why not.  It was a great experience.  We sat in the "performance area", so all the bands, karate groups, and mummers all performed infront of us.  We even saw some friends we knew in the parade. 
south philly string band
We then went home for a bit of "down time" before we headed out for the 4th of July pool party and fireworks.  We went to Rose and Walts house, the kids were in the pool for what seems to be hours, and eventually turned VERY pruney!!  Then it was fireworks time.  Walt rolled his huge wagon full of fireworks to the end of the road (in the retention basin) and then the fun began.  We all sat on the hill and watched the spectacular display.  They could rival the townships fireworks... so it was really cool.  Then as our display was ending, the townships took over, almost seemlessly.  We watched the rest of the show and then headed home. 

It was a fantastic holiday... and now we needed a few days to "recover" from all of our fun...

Happy Independence Day America!!!