Monday, December 27, 2010

Christmas 2010

We hope you enjoyed Christmas with the ones you love the most! We sure did. We started off the day, just the four of us. The girls were beyond happy to see a Barbie House next to the christmas tree... as well as MANY other gifts. They had sooo much fun and the joy on their faces was just priceless!
Then it was time for the Reedell Family get together.  Everyone made their way over to our house around 10:30am, then we had a yummy brunch, then it was time to open all of the loot.  The cousins enjoyed playing together and showing off their new presents.  It was nice to visit with the family for a few hours!
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Then party #3 began with the Schafer clan.  My parents, my sister and her boyfriend Mike joined us for a nice dinner, then it was time for more presents.  The girls tried on their karate uniforms, showed off their "moves", and then played with their oddles of new goods.  They had a FANTASTIC time!   Then wave #4 began.... Uncle Darwin, Aunt Vicki, Nicole and Paul, and Allison joined us for dessert and some fun holiday games.  Spending the whole day with family made this holiday all the more special!!