Sunday, July 11, 2010

Try a Tri....

Today (July 11th) a few friends (Kelley Turner and Jen Cannon)and myself competed in our third Philadelphia Women's Triathlon together. Sadly for the second year in a row, we had signed up for a triathlon, but due to a HUGE amount of rain the past few days, the triathlon switched to a duathlon because of water quality. The day was VERY nice, not too hot and alot less humid than lately, so it was a good race. And best of all I got a PR (personal record), placed 4th in my age group, and felt like I could have kept going for a LONG time after the finish. I even had plenty of energy to pass 5 people in the "finish chute"... and that rocked. I also sported a tiara during the ENTIRE race. I had wired one to my bike helmet and got alot of comments like "go diva" or "yeah princess"... it was soooo much fun. So, overall, it was a fantastic day spent sweating with 1000+ ladies... and can't wait to do it again next year... but hopefully finally as a triathlon!

And to see the individual pics, paste this link into your browser... it will take you to facebook, but you can see the pictures WITHOUT registering.... enjoy!!

Oh yeah, and now it's less than 2 weeks until the New Jersey State Olympic Distance Triathlon... rock on baby!!!