Monday, October 5, 2009

Halloween Decorations Reedell Style!!

So, this is our first year to decorate our "new house" for halloween. Last year's decorations involved a ghost on a stick and a cat on a stick (no, not jake or oscar) in the front yard and a door hanger with a pumpkin on it. We had moved in on October 30th and were working VERY hard to get the house "livable" for the munchkins when they came home on halloween!!

So, this year we got things started NICE and EARLY. In fact the house was mostly decorated in September for halloween, but today we put the finishing touches on it. The girls and I stuffed a HUGE spider to sit on our HUGE boulder at the end of our driveway and then we put up several bags of spider webs... the cats are now afraid to go outside becuase of all of this (oh well....). But it looks like fun, and I'll have to take pictures since we have orange and black lights on the porch... so once I take a "full effect picture" I'll add that too!!

But until then, here is what it looks like today!!!