Wow... can you believe that christmas is all over with? Whew... it really flew by... but we ALL had a great few days!!! Our "family time" actually started early since we had some ice on wednesday so Scott stayed home from work.... yeah for 5 day weekends!!! We did go to our candlelight church service on christmas eve, and the girls did GREAT. They were dressed in christmas dresses with their formal black jackets.. too cute for words!! Then we came home and put out the "magical reindeer food", milk and cookies for Santa, then it was off to bed. Angela was sooo excited for the morning to come, but Elyse still had no clue.
So, the next morning, the girls were up and they tore into their stockings and presents with MANY smiles! It was sooo much fun to see the excitement on their faces. I can only imagine what next year will bring! Here are some pics from christmas morning at our house!
Then it was off for an early nap, since we still had to go to the "big family get together" at Aunt Carla's House. That party started around 3pm... and Angela and Elyse loved seeing all of their family members. And of course getting even MORE presents. It was just soooo cute how happy they were!!
And a nice present to us was that my cousin Katie asked for Angela to stay over night at mom-mom and pop-pop's house (they were staying over while they were visiting), and of course everyone said yes, so we were down to one kiddo!! We came home, enjoyed a late dinner, just the three of us, and then it was off to bed for Miss Elyse.
Then it was friday, also known as Boxing Day. Since my mom had to work on christmas day (we did see her for a bit) we had planned a small get together for my parents, Scott's parents, and my sister at our house. So, besides seeing grandparents and aunt Erin, they were even more excited to see MORE presents. And we are still crossing our fingers that Dad Reedell continues on his recovery from his most recent surgery. We are hoping that 2009 brings only GOOD THINGS to him! Oh, and here are some pics....
Whew... that was ALOT in a few days... but it was LOTS of fun!!! Thanks to everyone for all of the new toys, clothes, etc, for the girls... we are VERY lucky to have such wonderful families!!! Hope your Holidays continue to be fabulous into 2009!!!!
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