Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Batter up!!

We figured that Angela could do a sport if she chose when she was in kindergarten. She was totally fine with that, until we got the phone call "would Angela want to "fill in" on the Grasshoppers t-ball team next week?" Of course Angela was jumping up and down when she heard she had the chance to play. She asked EVERY single morning, do I play t-ball today? Finally, the day was here. We picked up uniform, made some "adjustments" so they'd fit and she was ready to go. Mind you, she's NEVER played on a team and NEVER played t-ball with a team who has been together for the whole season. She was VERY good at hitting pitched softballs so we were hoping she'd do well!! We arrived at the field and she was practicing fielding and throwing... and still had a bit of work to do, but was doing well enough to "blend in". She was in the 6th batting spot and stepped up to the plate like she knew what she was doing. One swing and the ball was into the field... she ran to first base without a close throw. Before she knew it she was home and scored a "run". She played near 2nd and near 3rd base in the field. It was fun to watch the entire team go after the ball... yeah, positions mean NOTHING to 4 and 5 year olds... too cute!! The second time she batted was pretty much just like the first. Step up, whack the ball, no whiffing for Miss Angela. She had a great time, congratulated the other team and then we all went out for ice cream to celebrate a great game!! Her second (and last) game of this season will be on friday... and we KNOW she'll be asking to play next season now!