With these two active little girls do you think they'll be running and biking with mommy and daddy soon???
So, now both of the gals LOVE riding a two wheeled bike (of course with training wheels...). Elyse hopped on Angela's bike last week and just rode off. She was finally tall enough to reach the pedals... and did VERY well. She has to work on the steering while riding, but can push those pedals better than any little legs I've seen!!!!
It's sooo funny when Angela says, "mommy, I can't clean up I'm training for my triathlon"... of course this is while she's running circles around the house... tooo cute for words!!! We are looking forward to when Angela is age 7, and then she'll be able to compete in the "kids triathlons"... if she wants to of course!!! So, until then they'll just have to hang with mommy and daddy!!!
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