Sunday, January 31, 2010

Hi Ho Hi Ho... it's off to teaching I go!!!

So, for the past year or so I've been really enjoying taking indoor cycling at the gym. It's proven to be a GREAT on and off season training tool for our triathlons. In the process, I really began to enjoy them and now I'm "addicted". A few months ago I toyed with the idea of "teaching"... and then finally talked to the instructors at LA Fitness about what is involved. I was contacted by the class scheduler and she said "we'd LOVE for you to become an instructor, here is the info, and there is a class on January 31st". I hadn't intended on doing this until spring, but hey, it was being held close enough, so I figured what the heck! I read the book a few weeks ago and today was "the day". It was held at the LaCreste Fitness Center (in Lansdale) starting at 9am. We sat in a room and listened to the teacher "lecture" us till around noon - not that terribly exciting... but oh well. Then had a short lunch break, then it was off to do some spinning. We were in the "first group" and had to demonstrate our form, understanding on class principles, and then ability to do all of it at the same time. This took about 30 minutes, then it was off for the other half of the class to do the spinning and we could "study" for the test. Then it was finally "test time". It was 100 questions and an essay. It was MUCH tougher than I had though it would be... all of the rpm and heart rate numbers were getting intertwined in my brain. To pass the test you needed an 80% or higher. I was VERY lucky and got an 81%... and then it turned out that MUCH of the class scored in the 70's, so the curve changed it to anything over a 70% passed. I was just sooo happy to know that I had passed... and now my BIG challenge will be to create a music playlist fitting for a spin class and a routine!! So, wish me luck on the next part of my "journey"...

LA Fitness: here I come, but this time I'll be doing the teaching!!!