Tuesday, April 14, 2009

A Reedell Easter... LOTS of fun!!!

wow... what a whirlwind of fun we've had over the last few days!!! Our weekend start on friday when we spent the day shopping with my MIL. Each season she takes the girls to the local outlet mall and she outfits them in everything they could need for the upcoming season. Then we go out to lunch, and it's always a GREAT day!! And now the kiddos look even cuter than usual in their "new duds"...My aunt, uncle, and cousin (who's 8 years old) came in from State College (Pa) and stayed at a local hotel from friday till monday morning. We met up with them to go roller skating on monday morning, and the girls were sooo cute skating together!! And Elyse now can skate on her own... for a little bit. Those little legs just don't quit. And Angela... she's getting really good. She was gaining speed and just doing GREAT!!! Then we came back for a nap (the girls of course) and then when we woke up we met my aunt, uncle, and katie at the pool for some swimming. Of course that also made the girls smile ALOT!!! Then we came back to our house for dinner and egg dying. We dyed 9.5 dozen eggs... and amazingly it wasn't much of a mess. Elyse did drop a few eggs into the dye from too far... but it was a fun night. Finally the girls were in bed around 9:15pm... it was a LONG and FUN day for all!!!

Then it was Easter morning (sunday). We put their "presents together" (they got a yard swing, pj's, sidewalk chaulk, a set of clothes each, and bubbles). The girls got up and were VERY excited to see what the easter bunny brought to them. They loved all the "goodies"... and were VERY excited to get all dressed up and head to church. The girls brought MANY smiles to all of the church goers, then we had breakfast there, then came home. The girls played with some of their "stuff" and then had a light lunch, then off for a nap before everyone arrived for the easter festivities. Everyone got to our house around 2pm and we ate around 3:30 or so. We ate ALOT (there were 22 people at our house), then did the annual easter egg hunt, then ate dessert, and then finally the house cleared out around 7:30 or so. HUGE thanks to everyone who made it a GREAT easter. It was REALLY nice to get the whole family together (both sides for the first time in a LONG time....) It was another LONG and FUN day... whew we were pooped.....
And the girls FAVORITE present was Ollie the Bunny!!! My sister got him a few months ago and worked all this time to house train him and get him used to other pets (we have cats...)... and now he's here, and GREAT. He's sooo huggable. The girls are enjoying helping to take care of him... I think he'll make a wonderful addition to our family!!!! So, it was a fun and exciting weekend... hope you all had a GREAT one... and a GREAT week!!!