Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Hello from The Reedells NEW HOME!!!!

So, it's been a CRAZY week in the Reedell household. This is how it went... I packed up the computer on monday, and then was a "mad packer" until we moved (on thursday, october 30th!). To our surprise on tuesday we had a measureable snowfall... which NONE of the forcasters actually were calling for. I was nervous since we were to get our truck to start loading up, and the girls were to be going to my parents that night. But luckily EVERYTHING worked out and and "the fun began".Here are some pics of the snow... (and of the kiddos enjoying their "last lunch at home"...)
We ended up having around 2"... but it was VERY strange for it to happen on October 28th... we'll have to wait and see what this winter will bring us.... hopefuly a bunch of snow!!!! Get those sleds ready!!! Yeah!!
Then tuesday afternoon, pop-pop came to pick up the kiddos, then we went to go pick up our first truck... which was a 26' moving truck... it was HUGE. We weren't sure we'd be able to fill it up, but with the help from several friends (we can't thank them enough either!!!), it was filled and we went to pick up truck 2 on wednesady evening. That was only a 17' truck... and it too was filled before the evening was over.

Of course we did watch the Phillies win the world series... and then "enjoyed" all the yelling, honking, and fireworks in our area... Philadelphia REALLY needed a winning team... YEAH Phillies!!!!

Then came a sleepless night, not sure if I was excited or just nervous... but I think I slept maybe 2-3 hours... and couldn't wait to get the "show on the road".

It was then thursday, and our settlement day. The trucks were packed, locked, and ready to go. I went in 6416 Todd Court for one last look... and of course take some pics.... I did get teary eyed on the way out. This was the house that we started our family in and all the girls knew... and we were VERY much hoping that they'd like the new house just as much!!!!

Our cars were filled up, and we headed to the Turner's house to drop off the "furry gentlemen" and "bob" (my 12.5 year old hermit crab...) until we got into the new house. We then went to Newtown for our settlement, and it went "pretty well". The buyers were VERY picky about everything and we found out later that they were JUST about to back out of the deal a few weeks prior to settlement... but it all worked out... So, by 11am, we were officially "homeless".

We went back to the "old house" and drove the two big trucks over to the new house. We did our walkthrough and then became "very excited"... we were on the "home stretch" to getting the house of our dreams. We then wen to lunch with our realtor, then it was settlement time. We walked out of the office at 3:30pm, with keys in hand and headed to the house. We were ALL smiles. The last owners left the house in GREAT shape... it was now time to move in!!!! We had a bunch of friends and family come over and helped us lug all of our "stuff" in the house. I think we officially started at 4pm and by 8pm, it was all in and we were starting the HUGE task of unpacking!!! I was beat but sooo excited to finally get into the new house. I never slept soooo GREAT as I did that first night!!!

The next day (friday the 31st) was just more of the same... unpacking and trying to get things together for the girls to come home. Mom-mom and Pop-pop got to the "new house" around 4:30 or 5pm and got the tour of the house. The girls were a little confused at first, but before too long they were running around like maniacs enjoying their new "digs".

The girls then got all dressed up in their costumes and we went trick or treating... which was a GREAT time meet our new neighbors. Everyone seems sooooooooo nice here!! Most of them are the original owners and love it here... and are BEYOND happy to have "little ones" in this house again... it already felt like home...

Then on saturday (November 1st) AuntErin came over to help us move some more "stuff" around... and we were beyond happy to put BOTH of our cars in our garage... not too bad for being there only 48 hours at that time!!! The the girls enjoyed playing in ALL of the leaves we cleaned up from the front yard... now if they could just learn to rake them up themselves...
So, it's been an exciting and EXHAUSTING last week... and we are BEYOND happy to be back on-line and in touch with the rest of the world!!!! So, hope you all had a GREAT week... and see you all soon!!!